May Jesus Christ Be Praised


This medley of classic hymns includes Praise To The Lord The Almighty, Fairest Lord Jesus, and All Hail The Power of Jesus Name before building to the majestic chorus of When Morning Guilds The Skies.

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This medley of classic hymns includes Praise To The Lord The Almighty, Fairest Lord Jesus, and All Hail The Power of Jesus Name before building to the majestic chorus of When Morning Guilds The Skies.

This medley of classic hymns includes Praise To The Lord The Almighty, Fairest Lord Jesus, and All Hail The Power of Jesus Name before building to the majestic chorus of When Morning Guilds The Skies.

A Child of the King
Holy, Holy, Holy
Be Thou My Vision
All Creatures Of Our God and King
O Come O Come Emmanuel