Christians All Rejoice (Medley)


In a mere three minutes, this jaunty arrangement melds three classic Christmas carols: "Good Christian Men, Rejoice," "While Angels Watched Their Flocks," and "Angels From the Realms of Glory." Up-tempo and syncopated.

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In a mere three minutes, this jaunty arrangement melds three classic Christmas carols: "Good Christian Men, Rejoice," "While Angels Watched Their Flocks," and "Angels From the Realms of Glory." Up-tempo and syncopated.

In a mere three minutes, this jaunty arrangement melds three classic Christmas carols: "Good Christian Men, Rejoice," "While Angels Watched Their Flocks," and "Angels From the Realms of Glory." Up-tempo and syncopated.

The Old 100th (Doxology)
For the Beauty of the Earth
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Praise to the Lord the Almighty
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name